Anxiety Sucks

Anxiety is totally normal and is actually a really helpful emotion! We actually need A LITTLE bit of anxiety to function and perform at our best. Unfortunately, sometimes our anxiety grows so big that it gets in the way of living our life, making things that used to be easy really difficult.

For people that struggle with anxiety, they know that it can stay with you all day or it can come out of nowhere, leaving you feeling out of control. That feeling of being out of control makes it so hard to do the things that you used to love. It may influence you to stay home from school, avoid hanging out with your friends, it may even make ordering food at a restaurant difficult. Anxiety can rob you of your ability to engage with the world. 

The bad news: We won’t get rid of all your anxiety. It wouldn’t be healthy or helpful if you never experienced anxiety.

The Good News: You are not alone. There are way more people out there that struggle with anxiety than you realize and we can help! We aren’t here to tell you what to do, we are here to work together to learn coping skills, challenge your anxiety, and help you feel a sense of calm and peace again. 

Depression Sucks Too

Struggling with depression as a teen can look a lot different than an adult struggling with depression. Depression may come out as anger, sadness, withdrawing from your closest friends, always getting into fights with family, acting out in school or refusing to do things that you previously enjoyed. It can feel like no one in the world will understand what you are feeling and going through.

If you are dealing with Major Depression you may experience even more severe symptoms, like suicidal thoughts or self harm. Depression can make you feel so isolated and alone that it makes it hard to believe that things can be different. 

We can help

We help teens who are struggling with depression overcome the symptoms that are getting in the way so that you can enjoy life again. Whether we use mindfulness and grounding techniques or more cognitive behavioral strategies, like automatic negative thought replacement, will depend on you. We tailor the therapeutic strategies we use with the individual so that you are getting the therapy that you need. And guess what, if you feel like it isn't working then we can change things up. We have years of experience in working with teens who were struggling with depression and no one is the same. We will find a strategy that works for you together because you do not have to continue fighting this battle alone. We are here to help find and create happiness in your life again! 

If you are ready to work together to decrease your symptoms of depression or anxiety call us at (443) 589 2475 for your free 15 minute consultation to see if therapy is a good fit for you. 

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